6.11.16 WCB Membership Meeting Agenda
In Person – White Plains Vet Center 12 – 4 p.m.
300 Hamilton Avenue
- Welcome and Introductions
- Roll call and Quorum to proceed
- acceptance of agenda
- acceptance of March and May minutes
- Officer Reports
* President: Promotional materials: Board discussed a large print post card which is being submitted for pricing. Once this is done, prices for braille embossing will be sought and chosen by the board. Report on LICB APS event on May 16; report on website and social media, email lists, and open discussion before ending report and moving on.
* Vice President
* Treasurer
- Committee Reports
* Westchester DAFN
* Membership& Fundraising – White Plains Lions; speaker’s bureaus, how to get on them to help us promote WCB and network
- Old Business: next year’s fundraiser
- New Business
- announcements
- next meeting date: who will be here for Saturday July 9th meeting?
- adjourn
Special meeting wcb 7 pm 6/21viateleconference
Ann C., Becky D., Jim P., eric B., Ron D., Maria S., Cathy B., louise, & barry W., Rich L., Audrey S., Rita P.,
Quorum met
Meeting began with opening comments by Annie at 7:13 pm
Explaination of joining the White Plains Lions as members while also partnering with them for 2017 fundraising night/event.
We were offered 2 individual memberships, of which WCB is discussing tonight as possibly sponsoring.
Motion made by Cathy Beider:
WCB to Consider sponsoring 2 yearly memberships in the wp lions for annie and maria not to exceed $200.
Seconded by Eric B.
More Discussion after formalizing motion and accepting a friendly amendment on wording of motion.
Discussion included points to be shared about how membership would be distributed by Lions and when yearly dues would be required and the renewal dates.
Question was called by Annie. Vote was unanimous, no against or abstentions.
Other business was announcement of WCB to participate in the 2016 Vision walk on October 30. Team name is WCBNY Blind Rovers
Becky motioned to adjourn, seconded by Annie.