5.13.16 WCB Membership Meeting
Friday, May 13, 7:30 p.m. Via teleconference 641-715-3276 Pass code: 511527#
Play back: Â Free Conference Play Back call reference # is 15
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(641) 715-3372
Access Code:Â 511527
Roll call annie Chiappetta, President;, Jim Pulsoni, Treasurer; Maria Samuels, Director; Barry & Louise Wood, Rita Pulsoni
No quorum was reached, therefore meeting was informational only. Any actions will be brought up and decided upon under old business at the June 11 meeting.
- Acceptance of agenda and/or changes
- Passing of minutes March minutes will be re-distributed and accepted at June meeting.
- Announcements: Rich, Evelyn, Cathy, and new callers. Recognition of members who are recovering from health issues, Cathy B is graduating, and we were hoping to welcome new members.
- Reports
- President braille embosser or braille printing? Lp cards – discussion of materials to hand out. Will table and add to June agenda.
- Vice President no report from Becky
- Treasurer Jim: main account $6058.58 Payments: $100.00 to wdomi; webmaster $100.00; reimbursement to Becky $200.00 for Legislative weekend as legislative repsentative; Reimbursement to Annie  $79.80 Amtrack ticket for travel to legislative weekend as ACBNY Board Rep.
- Committee Reports
- APSC—update on June 1 event.
- NYVRA—no report at this time
- WC emergency DAFN—no report at this time
- TAC Discussion of comment regarding fare hike of 25%/$1.00 per trip on para transit. Annie to write letter and members encouraged to attend fare hearing on May 31. Annie to attend and make public comment as well as submit letter on behalf of WCB.
- Membership: Maria & White Plains Lions;Â Annie, Rita, Jim, and CBVH meeting to tell work group about WCB and how to join, etc.
- Fundraising: Wine and cheese night: no venue yet
- Old business
- Lobby Day & Leg weekend report
- New business – no new business
- Next Meeting:June 11 in person at the White Plains Vet Center
- Adjourn