What does making craft beer and supporting guide dogs have in common? Hmm, still thinking? Dog treats, of course.
Thanks to a retired guide dog, his former partner and a puppy raiser, we found a New York based dog treat maker who wants to help us by donating up to 40% of treat sales back to GDUES.
We are naming this first online endeavor the Kaiser Campaign, after the big, gentle Labrador who loves these treats, Kaiser and for all he symbolizes in the spirit of guide dogs
Hungry Hound Beerscuits are made with fresh, human grade ingredients like barley, pumpkin, eggs, and peanut butter and baked to a yummy crunch.
Click here to read about this unique and delicious dog treat made by Hungry Hound Beerscuits LLC
In order for Guide Dog Users of the Empire State to receive a donation from an online sale, you must enter the online code GDUES in the form before check out. Please share this fundraiser with everyone you know. Thanks to the folks at Hungry Hound for making this fundraiser possible and visit www.gdues.org to read about how we advocate for and support guide dog teams in New York or to
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