Westchester Council of the Blind of New York
November 14, 2015 Membership Meeting Agenda
7 PM Eastern via conference call
Call; 641-715-3276
Pass code: 511527#
** play back: Dial: (641) 715-3372
Access code: 511527
- Call to order
- Roll call and Introductions: Mike Golfo, President, Jim Pulsoni, Treasurer, Annie Chiappetta, Director, Rita Pulsoni, Barry and Louise Wood, Eric Brinkman
- Reading of agenda
- Additions to agenda; convention committee follow up; Eric Brinkman State business meeting report; Sleepy Hollow crossing under APSC committee report; thank you committee for post convention letters
- Approval of agenda passed by consensus
- Old Business: Approval of Minutes No Minutes for submission at this time.
- President’s Report – Michael Golfo: successful convention total 84 room nights over 4 days 19 for Thursday lunch; 20 for Friday lunch; 35 for Saturday lunch; 53 for Saturday dinner each for meals. Total bill to hotel 15,441.00 approx. Final numbers next month after final deposits are made. Convention account will stay open until April 2017 for IRS requirements. State budget has increased considerably and careful IRS reporting is necessary.
- VP Report – Becky – No report at this time.
- Treasurer’s Report – Jim Pulsoni regular account has $3541.53;convention account has $ 2449.53, Mike to deposit $2390.00
- Approval of Treasurer’s Report: Annie C. moved to accept report with deposits stated by Mike. Seconded by Eric B./Barry Approved by consensus
- Committee Reports
- TAC: Next meeting December 8, notice was sent out via members list. Annie will re-send announcement on membership list and post on Facebook. Mike requested our members show up to push the County on two key issues: lack of consistency of scheduling, making riders late more than before and the online reservation system, why isn’t working yet?
- Other reports, if any
- : Rita reported that the Beekman and Washington crossing fell through and lost funding, Lisa Mondello of the State DOT urges WCB to meet with Assemblyperson Abernathy and get support to push for funding of crossing. Mike said he will go with Rita to meeting as they are in Abernathy’s area. Annie reported another event will be planned for spring 2017, not sure what it will be yet. Annie reported locator buttons are being added to key crossings in White Plains, heard one at Martine and Court crossing.
- New Business: Nominating Committee: Mike will chair it since he is not running. He asked anyone who is not planning to run for the board to call/email him to be on committee, he is looking for two more people to help. Elections are on December 5 at Becky and Ron’s. More information to follow over email. Annie announced she is running for President.
- Eric Brinkman made his delegate report on State business meeting, mentioned OCL resolution, State’s new IRS reporting requirements from a $25,000 gift made by deceased member, Evelyn Larson. Annie reported that State budget was passed with a minimum of discussion and Mike mentioned the State scholarship fund discussion for pay pal button not being able to have more than one bank account attached to it.
- Other New Business
- Thank you convention committee: Annie asked for volunteers to help distribute thank you letters to sponsors, hard copy letters and print programs to be sent to contributors.
- Guide Dog Users Group: Annie announced chartering for new affiliate, anyone interested in sitting on the new board of GDUES; please let her know as soon as possible. Plans for chartering with ACBNY first, then GDUI may be the best way to go; it will be faster and less problematic.
- Announcements
- Next membership meeting will be in person at Becky and Ron’s on Saturday, December 5, more info TBA.
- Adjournment