October 2016

Westchester Council of the Blind Membership Meeting

  • October 14, 2016 at 8:30 p.m. Via conference call

Dial: 641-715-3276 Pin: 511527#

Free Conference Play Back  Number: (641) 715-3372 meeting 22 #  Access Code: 511527#


  • Welcome
  • Roll Call: Annie Chiappetta, President; Jim Pulsoni, Treasurer; Secretary (empty); Directors: Maria Samuels, Eric Brinkman. Members Chris Wright, Barry & Louise Wood, Rita Pulsoni.
  • Absent: Becky Davidson, Vice President; Directors Ron Davidson and Cathy Beider.
  • Minutes: July 2016, sent out and accepted.
  • Reports
  • President to give updates on date of ACBNY State Convention in Buffalo,   Jim will help cover convention table on Saturday. The convention delegate is Eric Brinkman and  we have advised him on voting preferences for Constitutional changes. Website, networking and other items were also discussed
    • Vice President: NYVRA no report.

Treasurer’s report balance: 5007.77  Annie sent check to WDOMI for Spirit of Independence Award for $50;

Motion was made to accept report and was seconded. Motion passed by acclimation.

Secretary still need secretary to prepare Minutes, help Officers; roll call at meetings; complete minutes and assist President and officers/Directors with wCB activities.

  • Old Business: see committee reports
    • Committee Reports
    • Membership: Annie and Maria went to CHOICE of New Rochelle/White Plains to present. One new member  was obtained  as a result from meeting. Maria asked for discussion on in person meetings and why there haven’t been any. Holiday cards from Hadley: Maria to investigate sending cards to our stakeholders and supporters. She will report back cost and we will begin list over email. .
    • Fundraising: smemcils campaign to be shared with Western NY. We will purchase and split them with W            estern NY. Sell for $1 each in various scents.  $275.00 approve, Western NY will split it, so our investment will only be half once they reimburse us and we send them half the shipment. We need to add $10 . Members can sell them, easy to take along and can be paired with postcards. You only need to take as many as you can sell Motion made by Rita Pulsoni to purchase items and split them with Western NY for the fee of $275.00 plus $10 shipping. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
    • State ACB: T-shirts,  are white with black not black with white — need 10 to get discount; will post on email list to get totals.
    • Annie hasn’t met with PSA person.
    • Post cards are in and will be given out at the conventionor mailed free matter.


  • APSC: complete streets approved in Yonkers, will start adding APS soon, 2 years. New Rochelle also implementing Complete Streets, Annie going to meetings with City Council Other APS updates from our members?.
  • Lions: Annie and Maria to attend installation dinner in WP on 10//16, would be great if folks attend to support people with VI. $45 per person. Would also help if folks joined Lions, ask for more info if interested. Still planning on Dining in the Dark. We need full attendance at this event next spring, and members must sell tickets to event, among other tasks, so please keep your calendars open.
  • NYVRA: Becky
  • TAC: Caravan seats; car services going well; hybrids on the road but cramped for guide dogs, okay for dog to go on seat if it can’t stay on floor.
  • DAFN: County drill, Meetings making progress, Braille literature available and NY Alertz website compliance letter to go out soon.


*New Business

* Announcements Maria’s promotion at WDOMI; Annie’s book;

* Next Meeting: in person Holiday meeting at Vet Center, November 12th from 1-4 p.m. Pizza and cookies Or Holiday party at Becky & Rons?.

* Adjourn


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